260 Edgeley Blvd – Unit 13B Vaughan, ON L4K 3Y4

New Rebate Program in 2024: Solar Program

Change Homes for Climate Solar Program | Edmonton

Change Homes for Climate Solar Program

Edmonton is empowering multi-unit residential property owners to go solar. The city is offering up to $0.50 per watt in rebates to help cover the cost of installing solar energy systems.
To qualify, properties must have four or more units and can receive up to $4,000 per dwelling, with a total maximum of $100,000 per property owner per year.

How To Get Solar On Your Home

Before we dive deeper into this topic, it is important to understand the basics of solar energy. To learn more, watch the video below before reading further.

How Do I Know if Solar PV Is Right for My Home?

Edmonton Has Great Solar Potential!
Edmonton receives a surprising amount of sunlight, making it well-suited for solar panels.


Ready to see how much sunshine your property gets?


  • Check out the Edmonton Solar Power Map and See the solar potential of your property. This map provides an estimate of your roof’s solar potential, helping you gauge the potential benefits of a solar energy system.


  • Work with a qualified solar contractor to understand if PV is the right choice for your home.

Some factors to consider include:


    • Orientation
    • Shading
    • Roof Condition
    • Household electrical
    • consumption

What Is the Average Overall Cost to Install a Solar System?

Solar PV installation costs vary considerably and are dependent on the system size (larger systems benefit from economies of scale), installation company, roof type and layout, and other factors.

the average total installed cost per watt (before incentives) has been $2.49/Watt under this program. The average total cost per system has been $18,891 prior to incentives.

For example, a system that cost $17,500 at $2.50/Watt, prior to incentives, would now cost $14,700 with the $.40/Watt rebate, saving the homeowner $2,800.

The average Alberta home would require about a 6,000 watt system to go to “net-zero electricity”. This system at $2.50/watt would cost $15,000 before the rebate, and $12,600 after the rebate.

As no home is the “average home”, we recommend contact us for more information.

Benefits of Solar Energy

Solar energy is a powerful, renewable, and inexhaustible energy source with numerous advantages over other renewables.

Some of the benefits of solar energy are:

  • Abundant and accessible: Sunlight is available almost everywhere, making solar energy suitable for both large-scale and individual use.
  • Environmental benefits: Solar energy produces no greenhouse gases, helping to mitigate climate change.
  • Economic growth: The solar industry creates jobs and stimulates local economies.
  • Technological versatility: Solar energy can be converted into electricity or heat, and it’s suitable for various applications and locations.
  • Low maintenance: Solar panels require minimal upkeep.
  • Sustainable: Solar panels can be recycled and reused at the end of their lifespan.
  • Reliable and efficient: Solar technology has matured, offering dependable and increasingly efficient systems.

The future of solar energy is promising, with continuous improvements in efficiency and decreasing costs making it a highly competitive and accessible energy source.

The Role of Incentives in Promoting Solar Energy Adoption

Many regions offer incentives to encourage solar adoption. These can significantly reduce the upfront cost. For example, a rebate of $0.40/watt can lower the cost of a $17,500 system by $2,800.


Installing solar panels in Edmonton can be a smart financial decision. With generous rebates offered through the Change Homes for Climate Solar Program, homeowners can significantly offset the upfront costs of going solar.

By generating clean energy and reducing reliance on traditional power sources, you’re not only helping the environment but also potentially saving money on your energy bills.

Edmonton’s Change Homes for Climate Solar Program is a significant step towards a greener and more sustainable future.

By offering substantial rebates, the city is making solar energy more accessible and financially attractive for multi-unit residential property owners. Embracing solar power not only helps reduce carbon emissions but also contributes to long-term energy cost savings. With Edmonton’s abundant sunlight and the program’s incentives, now is the ideal time to harness the power of the sun and invest in a cleaner, more resilient future.

Take advantage of this opportunity to reduce your environmental impact and potentially increase your property value.

Ready to take the next step? Visit the Change Homes for Climate Solar Program main page for more information on eligibility, rebates, and how to apply.

If you have questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to guide you through the process and help you harness the power of the sun.

Book Your Energy Audit

Home Energy Audit is the first step to apply for any energy retrofit rebate.


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